Managers Guide
This page walks you through how to access your online materials.
At the top of this page you will see a button on the header called "Your Enrolments." Click on this and you will head to your full set of courses.
The courses you have access to are described below.
How we recommend using the Academy
We recommend using the Academy resources in the following order:
1. Strategy
Start working on the SLMA (Sales Leadership & Management Academy) course, developing your sales plan and process.
2. Performance Coaching
Performance coaching your team could occur weekly or even daily. We recommend you schedule a regular cadence of coaching sessions (eg: 9.30am on a Monday Morning). It works well to have this session immediately before or after your weekly sales team meeting.
To get started, go to the Coaching Kits course and go through the first section "Learn How to Use the Coaching Kits."
3. Register for our Webinar Series and join the Community
Go to the Webinar Portal course and follow the instructions to register for our regular webinars.
Also, make sure you and your team join the SalesStar Community. It is hosted on Facebook and is the perfect forum to ask questions and share experiences.
4. Reach out whenever you have a challenge
If you are facing a challenge, be that a tricky deal, a difficult management issue or anything else sales related, go to the Meet with an Expert course and book in a 15 minute meeting with us.
Click the button below to go to your enrolments and get started!